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Major Events

2014   2014 April
visited Burma to meet with U Khin Mg Soe, Minister in the Electricity and Power Department of Yangon City.
2014 May visited Burma to meet with U Ohn Myint and U Ken Maung, who are the Ministers and Vice Ministers of the Animal Husbandry Department respectively, as well as Minister of the Power Department.
2014 July  legal establishment of the Taiwan-Burma Commercial and Cultural Exchange Association
2014-08-11   Provided humanitarian aid and support for veterans living in solitude. By the end of September, support has been provided to a total of 14 veterans, improving the spiritual and physical state of their living conditions.
2014-09-04  Approval for the establishment of our Association provided by the Ministry of the Interior with Document No. 103220841 Code Taineituan
2014-10-09  Registration of juristic person completed at the Taiwan Taipei District Court under the name Aggregate Corporation of Taiwan-Myanmar Economic Trading and Culture Exchange Association
2014-11-10   A group of consultants visited villages around Naypyitaw to assess the availability of water and electricity of the village residents
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